


Muzae Sesay - "I Love The Moon We Share"


pt.2 artist Muzae Sesay recently completed this beautiful mural titled “I Love The Moon We Share” in Downtown San Francisco in collaboration with MoAD, Society of St. Vincent de Paul-San Francisco, and pt.2 gallery. The mural took a little over 2 weeks to complete and is located at 8th and Howard Street in San Francisco. The mission of St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco (SVDP-SF) is to offer hope and service on a direct person-to-person basis, working to break the cycles of homelessness and domestic violence. We would like to extend a big thank you to the MoAD team, especially Curator Emily Kuhlmann who helped bring the whole project to light.

"I love the moon we share.

The light we see.

Our then, our now, our will."

“Based on a short poem, this mural derives from the inherent exercise of empathy present in the everyday life of global citizens. "I Love the Moon We Share" looks to guide its viewers of the connections we all share with each other simply by existing together within this current space and time. Depicted by four vignettes of interior spaces at different times of day, the viewer looks through each window to find the moon we collectively share. At that moment, all differences fall aside as the context, preconceptions, and figures that inhabits the rooms becomes subordinate to the fact that we are all humans happening now. A quick grounding of ego and prejudice and a reminder to celebrate our natural connections to each other.”
- Muzae Sesay

Stay tuned as Muzae Sesay will be joining us for a solo exhibition opening June 15th alongside Basil Kincaid at pt.2 in Downtown Oakland. To learn more about Muzae Sesay and his works contact