


Opening Reception - "Zero Player Game", "Not Long For This World", and "Transfr"


Zero Player Game
Brett Flanigan

Not Long For This World
Meryl Pataky

Alexandre Bavard
Curated by Pablo de Pinho

Showing Through: Friday, April 5th, 2019
1523 b Webster St. Oakland, CA 94612

pt.2 would like to thank the hundreds of people that made it out this past Saturday for the opening receptions of our three solo exhibitions “Zero Player Game” by Brett Flanigan, “Not Long For This World” by Meryl Pataky, and “Transfr” by Alexandre Bavard that is curated Pablo de Pinho. These exhibitions also mark the One Year Anniversary of pt.2 Gallery in Downtown Oakland. We want to thank all of the artists that have exhibited with us, the first time & repeat collectors, and the Oakland / Bay Area arts community for the continued support. It means the world to us. Be sure to visit the exhibitions in person now through April 5th Thursday to Saturday 11-6pm or by appointment.

The gallery is located at 1523 b Webster St. and is just blocks away from both 12th & 19th st Bart Stations. pt.2: is always free and open to the public. To receive a preview of the exhibitions please contact